Friday, November 04, 2005

Yarn addiction

I really must stay away from the yarn section of eBay....there's so much beautiful yarn and I want to buy it all! I've already got way too much, but when I see all the lovely colors and soft textures, sometimes you just gotta go for it and buy the yarn. It wasn't bad before, when I was mostly using the cheap but good Red Heart acrylic yarns, but now I've got the wool bug, and man, that stuff is expensive. To justify myself I will add that I quit smoking one month ago and, although I may have spent as much money on yarn as I would have on cigarettes in the last 4+ weeks, I'm much healthier for it. So in a way, you could say that yarn saved my life! :)

I'm thinking of bidding on some wool yarn to Kool-Aide dye on Ebay but I'm confused by all the different terms they give for yardage and yarn weight. What does 800ypp mean?

This is another one I'm thinking of bidding on. Not sure if the price is too high though when considering the shipping.

You know, I think if a person was to buy cheap ivory wool yarn and hand dye it (like the skein above), offer it on Ebay and figure in the shipping in the price of the yarn and then advertise free shipping, they would probably sell a lot of yarn.

What's up with all the hemp and wool yarn? I didn't know they could even make yarn out of hemp. Wonder if it's soft or prickly....when I think hemp, I think prickly rope. :)

If anyone else has any thoughts on yarn, yardage, or selling on eBay, I would love to hear about it.


Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

Hey woman, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm adding you to my bloglines so I can blogstalk you in the future.

Okay eyeball pattern. We are done testing and it is going in the 2007 Crochet A Pattern A Day Calendar. However, if you're interested I will be pattern testing more stuff soon...probably Turkeyzilla the Tote Bag. If you want to be on the list email me at ladylinoleum at hotmail dot com.

6:09 PM  

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